23 Amish’s Story

Meet Amish Shah, shown in figure 23.1. Amish graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science and Industrial Experience in 2023 when this episode was first recorded. Amish did a summer internship at imago.cs.manchester.ac.uk and a year-long placement at Bloomberg L.P. before accepting a graduate job offer at Palantir Technologies, see figure 23.2

Amish Shah linkedin.com/in/amish-shah. Picture re-used from github profile shown in figure 11.12 with permission, thanks Amish.

Figure 23.1: Amish Shah linkedin.com/in/amish-shah. Picture re-used from github profile shown in figure 11.12 with permission, thanks Amish.

23.1 What’s Your Story Amish?

An edited podcast transcript will appear here in due course. In the meantime, an un-edited, raw machine-generated transcript can be found here.

Amish Shah at the end of his placement at Bloomberg London (right hand side) where he worked on graph-based worksheets (W <GO>, left hand side) available in the Bloomberg Terminal. (Kenton 2022) Pictures used with permission from Amish. (Shah 2022)

Figure 23.2: Amish Shah at the end of his placement at Bloomberg London (right hand side) where he worked on graph-based worksheets (W <GO>, left hand side) available in the Bloomberg Terminal. (Kenton 2022) Pictures used with permission from Amish. (Shah 2022)

23.2 Disclaimer

⚠️ Coding Caution ⚠️

Please note these transcripts are generated with speech to text software and are not perfect word-for-word transcriptions. Some speech disfluency has been manually removed and links, cross references and pictures have been manually added for clarification. Extra (non-quoted) words are given in brackets like this: (some text added afterwards).