25 Nadine’s Story

Meet Nadine Abdelhalim, see figure 27.1 she graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science in 2023 when this episode was first recorded. During her degree, Nadine worked at imago.cs.manchester.ac.uk (see figure 25.2) and arm.com.

Shortly after this interview was recorded she enrolled on an MSc in Advanced Computing at Imperial College London.

Nadine Abdelhalim. Picture reused from linkedin.com/in/nadineabdelhalim with permission, thanks Nadine.

Figure 25.1: Nadine Abdelhalim. Picture reused from linkedin.com/in/nadineabdelhalim with permission, thanks Nadine.

Listen to the episode by clicking Play ▶️ below, or subscribing wherever you get your podcasts, see section 21.2. An annotated and edited transcript of the audio is shown below.

25.1 What’s Your Story Nadine?

An edited podcast transcript will appear here in due course. In the meantime, an un-edited, raw machine-generated transcript can be found here.

Imago is the University of Manchester’s student software company. They create beautiful and useful software for paying clients, using the skills and experience students have gained during their time at University. Screenshot of the company website from imago.cs.manchester.ac.uk

Figure 25.2: Imago is the University of Manchester’s student software company. They create beautiful and useful software for paying clients, using the skills and experience students have gained during their time at University. Screenshot of the company website from imago.cs.manchester.ac.uk

25.2 Disclaimer

⚠️ Coding Caution ⚠️

Please note these transcripts are generated with speech to text software and are not perfect word-for-word transcriptions. Some speech disfluency has been manually removed and links, cross references and pictures have been manually added for clarification. Extra (non-quoted) words are given in brackets like this: (some text added afterwards).